
My ambition is to inspire, encourage and educate the Massage Therapists of southern Illinois.

Monday, December 6, 2010

How's Your Health?

                                                                                           Photo: © Bob Stockfield
                                                               Courtesy: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

I was reading the most recent issue of Massage Today Magazine, and it had an article on the front page that immediately caught my eye.  The title of the article is Moving Beyond Fibromyalgia, and it is written by Debbie Roberts, LMT.  In the article, Debbie speaks about her diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, along with her exploration, discoveries and treatments. 

See, Debbie and I have a lot in common.  I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at a young age (24 years old).  I struggle most with chronic and debilitating fatigue.  I am lucky, because I don't experience the frequent periods of pain...but I do experience the pain from time to time.  I have this battle with the fatigue on a daily basis.  Most of the time, I can work through it...but there are times when it gets the best of me (more often than I would like to admit!).  

So, this post is not about gaining sympathy for my health problems.  I know that I am not the only MT who battles with health issues.  I want to hear from you!  Let's lift each other up with encouragement.  Let's remind one another how important it is to take care of our own bodies, so that we can be an example to clients who look to us for guidance and relief.  

Do you have health issues?  Do they affect your Massage Therapy practice?  How do you overcome these obstacles?

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