
My ambition is to inspire, encourage and educate the Massage Therapists of southern Illinois.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Favorite Massage Therapists

My Top 10
Favorite Massage Therapists
(in no particular order)
6.  Vicki Gothard
9.  Tom Wilson
I respect each one of these therapists for varying reasons.  Some mentor me from time to time, some inspire me, some challenge me, and one helped in my decision to become a Massage Therapist.  And, there are many MT's out there who I love and respect that aren't on this particular list.  That doesn't mean they haven't affected my career in some way. 
Do you have a Top 10 list of your own?  Do you know and network with enough MT's to make this sort of list?  If not, check out some of these MT's. 
Feel free to share your Top 10 in the comments. 
My next question is this:  Do you give of your time and talents to fellow MT's?  It is so important that we support one another! My goal is to be on someone's Top 10 list because I gained their respect through mentoring, lending an ear, teaching, challenging, or helping in any way I am able. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Massage is Not a Necessity??

Photo courtesy of Luigi Diamanti at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

How many times have you heard clients or potential clients say that receiving massage is not a necessity in their life?  It really frustrates me to hear this phrase!  If only people understood how much massage can really do for them...then they would put it at the top of their priority list.

How do we as MT's remedy this mindset?  By educating the public!!!

It is our responsibility to promote the healing benefits of massage therapy to the general public.  Do you tell at least one person every day specifically how massage can benefit them?

When was the last time you did a speaking engagement to inform others about massage therapy?

It is so easy to get into our daily routines...working with our regular clients (which is a good thing), doing our daily bookkeeping, returning phone calls, etc.  Then we start to wonder, why am I not bringing in any new clients?  Should I put another ad in the paper? 

The first step out of this vicious cycle is to educate the public.  Speak to your local Rotary club.  Speak to a teachers' sorority.  Speak at local church functions.  Ask your current clients for referrals, and ask them if they are part of any organizations that would like to learn more about the benefits of therapeutic massage.  Write an article for your local newspaper. 

Don't forget the importance of informing individuals that massage is not just for pampering.  That, even in a difficult economy, massage can be worth every penny because it will reduce many medical bills and aid in preventing disease.

So, what are you going to do this week to Educate the Public?

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Top 5 reasons for hosting Continuing Education in Southern Illinois

Photo courtesy of nuttakit at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

1.  Convenience
Are you tired of travelling several hours and paying expensive hotel costs?

2.  Networking
Do you know many MT's in our area?  Do you realize that there are a LOT of MT's in southern Illinois?  Wouldn't it be nice to build a large network with other therapists who live in work in a similar way to you?

3.  Growth
Northern Illinois is well-known for Massage Therapy, but as I just mentioned...there are a LOT of MT's in the southern part of the state.  Wouldn't it be nice to have high quality instructors and courses come to us?  Think of the amazing ways your practice could grow through exposure to the movers and shakers in Massage!

4.  Inspiration
Don't you feel motivated and excited after completing a continuing education course?  Local courses could provide this inspiration on a regular basis.

5.  Validation
Are you trying to gain ground with the medical community and the public?  Marketing local continuing education keeps massage in the public eye.  Also, the more education you have, the more respect you will receive from the local medical community.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Not What I Expected

I like to be pleasantly suprised by things in life.  I can often be critical and have high expectations (mostly in my professional life...unless you ask my husband).  Because of these unrealistic expectations, I sometimes approach matters with a negative viewpoint.  I get giddy like a child when something actually lives up to or surpasses my expectations.  This happened to me today!

One of my goals this year is to read at least four self-promotion or business building books.  I am actually doing two at the same time.  I am slowly making my way through 31 Days to Build a Better Blog, while at the same time I started The Magic Touch: How to Make $100,000 per year as a Massage Therapist.  Both are great books!  I am a little slow with building a better blog...

BUT...The Magic Touch is a must read for ALL MT's!!  I read an article about the author and her book in the November/December 2010 Massage & Bodywork Magazine.  After reading the article, I was intrigued to learn more.  Not because I liked what she had to say...I was actually a bit put off by the article.  I decided that I wanted to know for myself what her book was really about, and if any of what she teaches could be applied in a rural market like southern Illinois.

I am currently about half-way through the book, and I cannot put it down.  I find it very thought-provoking.  Her perspective is not a popular or mainstream outlook on massage.  Contrary to my first impression, I find I actually connect with the author and her experiences.

So, I am curious...how many of you have read The Magic Touch: How to Make $100,000 per year as a Massage Therapist?  What is your opinion of the book?  Please let me know by taking my poll and commenting!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Massage Matters in 2011

I am not fond of setting "New Year's Resolutions."  I believe that we never reach a true destination in life.  We are always travelling, always changing.  I tend to shy away from known causes of depression like resolutions.  I mean, what percentage of people actually fulfill their resolutions each year?  (Please don't actually give me this percentage, as that too could cause depression.)

I am the type of person who likes to see items checked off a list.  This empowers me and makes me feel confident.  In this spirit, I am setting goals (very specific goals) for 2011.  I have a different set of goals for my personal and professional life.  My lists of goals are realistic and fairly short.  If I achieve them early, I will make new goals.  I plan to periodically share my professional (and maybe some of my personal) goals with you.  I will then share with you the outcomes of theses goals...did I achieve the goal?, was it successful?, etc).

My first goal that I share with you is to begin reading business and personal development books.  I recently read a blog post by Linda Roisum, 2010: A Year in Books.  In this post, she lists several books that she read in 2010.  She mentioned that she tries to read one business or personal development book per month.  I know that is a goal I cannot reach...I am a mother, a wife, and an MT!  Instead, I would like to set my goal as reading 4 business or personal development books in 2011.  There are several on Linda's 2010 list that I plan to look up.  Next week, I will let you know which book I chose. 

What are your goals for 2011?